Industry leaders improve workplace safety with TuMeke
"TuMeke has enabled us to easily identify and prioritize the highest risk tasks faster. Now we can spend more time focused on devising solutions, and less time doing manual assessments."
"Previously, explaining changes to production personnel and justifying new equipment purchases to upper management posed challenges. With TuMeke, we can visually illustrate process risks, and the necessity for change, that leads to improved safety."
"The assessments have become the backbone of our new employee training, being able to show videos with the AI-highlighted risks gives us a way to demonstrate both risk and correct posture to new hires."
"Using TuMeke, we could dispense with the time-consuming process of annotating and measuring work assessment videos. Because TuMeke identifies and highlights problem postures and movements, we can immediately focus on remedial action."
"TuMeke has helped our teams and leaders gain a better understanding and perspective when it comes to ergonomics. The video(s) tell the story. This has helped take the bias out of the assessments."
"I just had the opportunity to go over the results of the task analysis we did on our jobs. All I can say is WOW! So incredibly impressive! The data is going to prove very helpful in setting up stations to fit our people better. Anxious to continue this."
No need for wearables, goniometers, or other equipment.
Reduce injuries by up to 68%
by acting on leading indicators.
Assess ergonomic risk 12x faster
than traditional techniques.
Better engage employees
with interactive visuals to talk over.
Maximize ROI
of safety investments by knowing where to focus.
Improve productivity
by reducing fatigue, missed days, and turnover.
Build 3D models of human activity from 2D video. Account for joint positions, repetition of movements, and duration of risk exposure.
Automate inputs for ergonomic risk assessments:
1. RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment):
- Upper body posture screen
2. REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment):
- Full body posture screen
3. Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation:
- Safe lifting weight calculator
4. RSI (Revised Strain Index):
- Hand/wrist focused physical assessment model
Generate reports to share with colleagues and management.
Review dashboards to understand ergonomic risk in aggregate across all sites and jobs.