In this video, Dr. Matt Jeffs provides commentary on the history and evolution of two essential ergonomic tools: the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). The discussion features insights from Dr. Alan Hedge, Professor Emeritus of Ergonomics at Cornell University, and Dr. Lynn McAtamney, the developer of RULA. They explore the origins, applications, and advancements of these tools, which have become integral to the field of ergonomics.
RULA was developed in response to the growing issue of workplace injuries, particularly repetitive strain injuries. Dr. McAtamney explains how her PhD research led to the creation of RULA, which focused on assessing static postures and upper limb disorders. Later, REBA was co-developed with physical therapist Sue Hignett to evaluate dynamic movements and manual handling tasks.
Key Highlights:
Click here to watch the full conversation between Dr. Alan Hedge and Dr. Lynn McAtamney.