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Safety Strategies
Logistics and Ergonomics: Reducing Injury Risks in the Loading Dock
Loading dock workers face significant ergonomic challenges, including heavy lifting, twisting, and environmental hazards, leading to high injury rates in logistics. Operational pressures further increase risks, but addressing these challenges can improve safety, efficiency, and costs. Solutions like height-adjustable workstations, lifting aids, and ergonomic tools can prevent injuries and enhance productivity.
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Safety Strategies
Logistics and Ergonomics: Reducing Injury Risks in the Loading Dock
Loading dock workers face significant ergonomic challenges, including heavy lifting, twisting, and environmental hazards, leading to high injury rates in logistics. Operational pressures further increase risks, but addressing these challenges can improve safety, efficiency, and costs. Solutions like height-adjustable workstations, lifting aids, and ergonomic tools can prevent injuries and enhance productivity.
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Safety Strategies
Logistics and Ergonomics: Reducing Injury Risks in the Loading Dock
Loading dock workers face significant ergonomic challenges, including heavy lifting, twisting, and environmental hazards, leading to high injury rates in logistics. Operational pressures further increase risks, but addressing these challenges can improve safety, efficiency, and costs. Solutions like height-adjustable workstations, lifting aids, and ergonomic tools can prevent injuries and enhance productivity.
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Safety Strategies
Logistics and Ergonomics: Reducing Injury Risks in the Loading Dock
Loading dock workers face significant ergonomic challenges, including heavy lifting, twisting, and environmental hazards, leading to high injury rates in logistics. Operational pressures further increase risks, but addressing these challenges can improve safety, efficiency, and costs. Solutions like height-adjustable workstations, lifting aids, and ergonomic tools can prevent injuries and enhance productivity.
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Digital Human Modeling with Mitch Carswell, CPE | E5

September 29, 2023
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Digital Human Modeling with Mitch Carswell, CPE

Episode 05: Show Notes

In this episode, we introduce you to Mitch Carswell, a visionary at the forefront of merging Ergonomics with technology. He is currently based at Sandalwood Engineering and Ergonomics, where he serves as the Ergonomics Project Engineer helping drive digital solutions in the space. In our conversation, we unpack the exciting applications of technology in Ergonomics, how it can benefit the entire process, and what innovative practices we can expect in the future.

Learn how his passion for technology, ignited by childhood video games, intersected seamlessly with Ergonomics. Dive into Mitch's rich hockey background and how it informs his innovative approach to the field. Explore Mitch's cutting-edge work at Sandalwood, where digital human modeling and motion capture technology revolutionize Ergonomics. We also discuss his unconventional methods that streamline operations and make them more cost-effective while staying true to Ergonomics' core goals. We also discuss how technological innovations are reshaping the field, enhancing worker safety, and propelling Ergonomics into a data-driven era. Join us on this journey with Mitch, a true pioneer in Ergonomics and technology integration, as we explore the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Tune in now!

Key Points From This Episode:

[02:00] Background about Mitch and what led him to the field of Ergonomics.

Discover Mitch's journey into the world of human kinetics, his first encounter with the realm of Ergonomics, and the profound moment when he realized he had found his true calling in this field.

[04:01] Combining technology with Ergonomics in innovative ways.

How video games in his childhood inspired his interest in technology and helped him see the potential for blending Ergonomics and technology together. He also unpacks the ‘gamification’ of Ergonomics.

[05:29] Find out about his early career in hockey and how this informs his work.

Delve into Mitch's early encounters with hockey, from his active participation as a player to his role as an official in the games. Discover the numerous accolades he has earned in this dynamic sport and understand how his rich hockey background serves as a valuable foundation for his endeavors in the field of Ergonomics.

[09:08] Insights into his work at Sandalwood Engineering and Ergonomics in digital human modeling and his innovative approaches to the field.

Gain insights into Mitch's role and contributions at Sandalwood Engineering and Ergonomics. Explore the invaluable resources and tools he harnesses, including cutting-edge motion capture technology, and learn about his distinctive approach to Ergonomics.

[14:22] Leveraging technology to streamline operations and make them more affordable.

Hear Mitch's perspective on the ways in which technology can expedite problem-solving and cost-efficiency while maintaining the overarching objectives. He also unpacks how technology can pave the path toward data-driven solutions and the benefits for the engineering side of Ergonomics.

[19:20] How the various digital tools he uses help reduce the need for extensive fieldwork.

He elucidates how modeling and technology play a pivotal role in diminishing the necessity for prototypes, expediting the initial analysis phase, and nurturing collaboration in the process.

[22:36] The exciting future of Ergonomics and how technology will revolutionize the space.

Mitch dissects the transformative potential of existing technologies, including smartphones, LiDAR, and virtual reality, in propelling the field of Ergonomics towards swifter operations, quantitative methodologies, and enriched collaboration. Discover how these advancements stand to benefit organizations, both small and large, in terms of enhancing worker safety.


“I have always found myself engrained with technology growing up. It was just the times and something I was always interested in.” — Mitch Carswell [0:04:57]

“I see that there is so much more that we can be doing to the field [of Ergonomics] to get those best answers and try to take away some of that subjectivity that is built into those [traditional] assessment and screening tools we have done in the past.” — Mitch Carswell [0:15:00]

“[Using technology] is just a lot more of an efficient way of communicating issues and why we need to push change.” — Mitch Carswell [0:18:07]

“We are getting to a point now where we are really starting to see a lot more of this technology that is just sitting in our pockets waiting to be used being leveraged a lot more in [Ergonomics].” — Mitch Carswell [0:23:11]

Longer Quotes:

“I think by really getting into that design phase you understand where the issues are and if you work with the operators doing the job as well, you can really get some good feedback and some input about something that will really work out and address [the workers’] concerns. Because what I look at and what they feel could be completely different things.” — Mitch Carswell [0:28:52]

Links & Resources Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Mitch Carswell on LinkedIn

Sandalwood Engineering and Ergonomics

Dr. Matt Jeffs on LinkedIn

Dr. Matt Jeffs on X

TuMeke Ergonomics

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